Sunday, April 4, 2010

Week 11 Days One and Two

This week I was in San Diego for the 2010 Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education. My husband, Mark Simpson, and I attended lots of great presentations and also presented a poster session entitled I Think, You Think: Teacher-Student Reflections Using Free Online Technologies. Below are some photos of our presentation.

We learned lots and can't wait to apply some of it in our classes.

In the meantime, my Creative Composers were busy at work peer editing one another's visual argument papers and submitting their first drafts of their letters to me in which they evaluated their visual arguments.

This assignment needed much more guidance as the majority of the students used too much text in their argument. I will take some time on Monday to go over the problems. They will have about 10 days to do their final drafts.

The end of the semester is coming upon us quickly.


  1. I liked this project a lot, I have nGan artsy project in a comp class, but it was nice to get away from the norm. I also thought it was very cool to see where we Americans get some of our everyday language from. Some words I just would have never have guessed!

  2. Glad you enjoyed it, Jennifer. You are giving me some valuable feedback on my reflections. Wish more of your peers would get in and say stuff to help me do a better job next semester. Youse 'da best!!

  3. Yeah, 24/7 blew my mind. I couldn't believe that, that was an african american influenced part of our language. In fact something I now find quite humerous, is the group I joined on facebook called:

    "Just because I speak proper english, doesn't mean I'm not black"

    the way this classes concepts, and assignments can mesh with our real lives and our lives on facebook, amazes me :)

  4. I was defiantly in the “use too many words” category for the PowerPoint! I had a really hard time with this project. The whole idea was to use pictures to express your argument, but I could not find anything that did the trick. I ended up creating my own pictures and animations so that I could clearly express my argument to my viewers. After I got the hang of it, I really enjoyed this assignment and was proud of my ending result. I think the reason why so many students got the wrong idea of what you were asking for, was because it was just so different! No one really knew what to have as a final piece. Now I think the majority of the students understand and would actually rather do PowerPoint arguments than a paper argument.
