Revisit James Gleick's essay Life as Type A on pp. 449-454 of your Longman Reader.
1. Do some research on Type B personality. Write a post of no shorter than 150 words in which you offer a fuller definition of the Type B personality than Gleick's essay provides. Rather than defining Type B through negation, as Friedman and Roseman do, marshal convincing evidence that illustrates the validity of the Type B phenomenon. Write a brief personality sketch of the "canonical" Type B as well as discuss the factors that shape the Type B personality as you define it. Be sure and cite your source.
2. Take the personality test at and summarize the results.
Type A

Type B

Here is a good post by Caitlin.
1. Gleick's essay revolves around mostly explaining what a type A personality is, and towards the end he adds a little 'blurp' about what a type b personality is but doesn't explain it with enough information for anyone to completely comprehend. It says that a type b personality is the opposite of a type a personality, and with a little research its easy to figure out. A type b personality is someone that is much more easy going, they relax easy and they know the value of the word patience. These people are also very non confrontational, and their rarely ever quick to anger. Their calm, cool and collected and it takes alot to irritate them. They know how to keep themselves from becoming too stressed and when they do get stressed they know how to channel their stress rather then being destructive. If a type a personality becomes overwhelmed at work or with school work they tend to get frustrated and shut down rather then getting anything done, where as a type b personality will make a list of everything they have to do and get it done in an efficient manor without becoming frustrated or stressed.
2. The results for my personality test were ENFP. ENFP's are curious, energetic, adaptable and creative. We like letting ideas float around and come up with a solution thats unconventional and out of the ordinary. We tend to be talkative, enthusiastic, playful, and generally fun loving people, who are warm and caring but have strong personal values. Tend to pride ourselves for our uniqueness and originality, but are optimistic for the "possible." We tend to see significance in al things and keep our options open. After all were only 6-8% of the world.

Several students are not reading the directions carefully enough to know that they need to comment on a minimum of two of their peers' posts.
On Monday, I need to remind the students to be sure and cite all graphics that are not royally free. Many are forgetting to do this. Most have gotten the hang of labeling conventions. There are a few who don't bother to read the directions.
I was pleased with the way that the Monday lesson on procrastination linked to Personality Type B. Ben and a couple of others pointed that out. I hope the students are finding the readings interesting. I certainly am finding the essays in Comp 2 very good.
I have never really done a personality test and when I did this one it was interesting to find that my results were exactly like me. It was really weird, it told me that I'm very responsible in my work and very hard working, for example, which is very true. I liked this test, we should do tests more often!
ReplyDeleteYes, you need to check out an FGCU service through the Career Center called My Plan. It will tell you what field you are most suited for.
ReplyDeleteI really like what you have created professor SBS. Also, the personality test was very different to me and the results I received very much suprised me. Great job on the blog.
My plan is an awesome website, it gives you these tests that not only tell you your personality type, but they also show results from the other tests they give you that shows you how you line up to others in particular feilds. For instance I want to be a surgeon, and it turns out that I have made it leap and bounds over surgeons when it comes to creativity, people skills, and reading and writing skills, but fall slightly behind in areas like higher level math. It showed me what I needed to work on, and it even shows the best schools for not only my feild, but my strengths already.
ReplyDeleteYou guys really should try it out. It's free for FGCU students too! :)
I've really leaerned a lot about myself in this class. I never knew how badly i was a type A person! i have the worst road rage. i could be going 5 miles over the speed limit and the person in front of me is still going too slow! i am super impatient. if the cashier in walmart is scanning items too slowly i get very irritated. after realizing this i have tried to fix it. when im speeding i take a deep breath and ease my foot off of the pedal a little. ive taken personality tests before but ones that tell you what area of study you should consider going into. never one like this before. it really opened my eyes.
ReplyDeleteGreat blog SBS ! The personality test suprised me alot. I didnt think that the results would turn out to be who I am. I thought that it would not work properly, but again I was surprised !