Monday, January 25, 2010

Week Three Day 1

Where did the time go today in the F2F class. I went over some of the links under the Resources tab and spent some time talking about doing one's own research using My Creative Composers will be spending this week gathering information, seeing if or will work for their first research paper around the theme of education.

I emphasized how important it is to write for a real audience and take risks in this course on the writing material. I told them that each paper they would write for me would go to a real audience and not just me. I think they were surprised that their writing was going to be more than an academic exercise.

Since our reading was about 9-11, we explored conspiracy theories as it relates to evaluating web sources. Kudos for today's assignment go to Caitlin, Clay, and Kelles for summarizing the flight remote contol theory. Before checking out their post, check out the pod/remote control non-credible YouTube video.

Here is their post:

Conspiracy Theory # _5_ Debunked Summary:
The Conspiracy Theory states that the planes that hit the world trade towers were remote controlled. The company that manufactured the planes that struck the towers explained that there was no way for the planes to be controlled from any other location other then the flight deck of the actual aircraft. Eyewitness passengers also made phone calls stating that hijackers had taken control of the planes.

Non- Credible:

It is noncredible because:

- It is “.com” not “.gov” or “.edu”

- It is full of advertisements

- There are no credible credentials to the author or the page.

So, how would I change this activity. As I was searching around for conspiracy theory videos, I found it would have been more educational for the students to view these videos and then find a credible source that debunked the theory. The students could provide evidence and state why the source was credible. The only problem with having groups of students view videos in a F2F computer class is that there is no sound on the computers, so perhaps this approach was the way to go, or save this lesson for an online class.

What surprised me in the submissions was that two groups didn't save the worksheet to the desktop and work on the responses from the desktop, upload the document and submit it. I had assumed that they knew how to do it. I also found out that some students don't know how to use the course management system messaging function.

There were no time for presentations either. Next week, I will delve right into the activity for the day. I felt that since this was the second time I've seen them since January 11th, they needed more orientation to what was in the course.

Good lesson overall. The students were attentive and learned that doing their own research and finding a real audience is a part of the authentic writing experience.

Nick, Mackenzee, and Laura summarized the insider trader theory. They summarized the theory and provided evidence debunking the theory. Their resource person provided them with a non-credible source. Here is an example of a non-credible source on the subject of inside trading.

Here is their post:
Nick, Mackenzee, Laura

This is a conspiracy that states that there was unusual trading in stocks of United and America Airlines just before September 11, 2001 supporting evidence of knowledge prior to the attack. The U.S government debunks this stating that indeed there was trading, but each trade was made for a specific reason.

Non- credible source:  . This is a non-credible source because there is no contact information, or any way to track their information to a source.


  1. I like how we now know a way to get some statistical numbers our selfs other than just searching for them on google. My major is psychology so I can definetly use things like survery monkey and poll everywhere to get my own results. The 9-11 conspiracy assignment that we had to do is really cool. I have read a couple books on it and it is something that I believe is very interesting because their are many conspiracys about the whole thing, it just depends how you view it. I like this week's assignments.

    Jennifer Anderson

  2. Yes, I love surveymonkey for gathering statistics on a subject that is narrow in focus and concerns me. I have used it for my research on using technology in online classes. It is perfect for psychology majors.

  3. I really learned a lot from this video on 9/11. For the Conspiracy theory #5 I really did not realize any of the information so this was very informative for me. I had no clue any of 9/11 had to do with remote controlling.

  4. this was one of my favorite assignments! I have always been so interested in all of the claims people have made about 9-11 being a set up. There is a video called loose change that i find so fascinating and it explains all of the theories people have about 9-11 and how the goverment did it on purpose. There's so much evidence confirming that the government did infact set it up but you just don't want to believe that our country would do that. I had never heard of polleverywhere or surveyymonkey prior to this class and I think this will be extremely helpful in the future.

  5. I was happy to be taught how to properly determine which sites were credible and which weren't. That, and surveymonkey are both very useful traits. I really liked doing the research about the 9/11 conspiracy. It is something I have always wondered. I agree with Erica about not wanting to believe that our goverment would ever do such a thing and why they would but I doubt we will ever for sure know the truth.

  6. The 9/11 story was my favorite and most emotional assignment of this semester. I thought the story was extremely powerful and made my friends read it as well. Watching the video made me cry and really think back to that awful time in our lives. In this week we also had to find credible internet sources, this is so important for future papers and research. I’m confident now to know I can find a credible source online.
